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Administering Scheduler Events

The scheduler manages the execution of Online Marketing jobs, such as dialog Date/Time trigger . You can use it to produce a report of schedule events.

Page Name

Definition Name


Scheduler Event Report Page


Use to produce a report of scheduled events, stop or restart events, and view individual mail job reports for finished events.

Use the Scheduler Event Report page (RY_SCHEDULER_EVENT) to use to produce a report of scheduled events, stop or restart events, and view individual mail job reports for finished events.

Field or Control


Event ID

The unique ID of the scheduled event. If the event has broadcast email associated with it and the Mail Job has finished, you can click on its ID to view the Mail Job Report. The event can be a Trigger execution or a delayed broadcast email event.

Trigger Name

The name of the trigger to be executed.

Note: For repeating triggers, the first repeat event will appear in the table immediately after the dialog is activated. The second and subsequent times, the event is listed in the table n minutes before its execution time, where n is the wakeup interval of the scheduler.

Dialog Name

The name of the dialog associated with the scheduled event.

Staging Dialog

Identifies whether this dialog is in staging (test).

Event Type

The type of event to be executed by the scheduler. Examples include Execute Trigger and Send E-mails.

Event Start Date/Time

The date and time when the event was scheduled to execute.

Last Modified Date/Time

The date and time when the event's status was last modified.

Repeat Number

The number of times this particular event has repeated.

Instance ID

The numerical ID of the DES instance handling this scheduler event.

Event Status

The current status of the event. The possible values are:

Duplicated: Events in the “Suspended while running” state are changed to duplicated when a paused dialog is restarted. A copy of the “Suspended while running” event is created to avoid conflicts between the restarted event and a possible orphaned mailjob.

Failed: the event failed. You should investigate the cause of the failure by checking the server log files.

Finished: the event finished normally. If this is a broadcast email event, there will also be an entry in the Mail Job Report.

Overlapped: a repeat event was overlapped by a previous repeat event that had not yet completed.

Queued: the event is in the queue and ready to be invoked at the Event Start Time.

Running: the scheduler is processing the event.

Scheduling: the event is being scheduled.

Skipped: a repeat event was skipped.

Stopped: the event was stopped by the marketer (such as when a dialog is stopped or a milestone is deleted).

Stopped while queued: any event stopped using the Control Center Stop button (as opposed to an event stopped by Online Marketing when an entire dialog is stopped).

Suspended: the event was suspended by an Online Marketing administrator (dialog is paused or in Broadcast Hold).

Suspended while running: this status occurs if an event is running when the dialog is paused.


Click to restart a failed, skipped, or paused event. A confirmation page will be displayed. If the status of the event has changed, you will be informed of this fact and asked if you want to continue the action.


Click to stop a queued job. A confirmation page will be displayed. If the status of the event has changed, you will be informed of this fact and asked if you want to continue the action.