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Administering Single Email Failure and Recovery

Single Email Failure and Recovery allows the administrator to search for and identify single emails that failed to send or were rejected. The administrator can then choose to resend the emails or delete them.

Page Name

Definition Name


Single Emailer Failure and Recovery Page


Use to identify and re-send or delete single emails that failed to send or were rejected.

Use the Single Emailer Failure and Recovery page (RY_SINGLE_MAIL_ERR) to use to identify and re-send or delete single emails that failed to send or were rejected.

Field or Control



Select the emails you want to recover or delete.


Click to view the Single Email Queue Report for the selected document that failed with the specified error code.

Document Name

The name of the document.

Error Code

The reason why the email failed or was rejected. Error codes include:

  • Bad Email Address

  • Build Program Failed

  • Campaign or Document is Null

  • Data Not Accepted

  • Email Address is Null

  • Failed to Load Campaign or Doc

  • Fail Mail Exception

  • IO Exception

  • Message is Null

  • Mail Server Not Running

  • Persistence Exception

  • Recipient Not Accepted

  • Sender Not Accepted

  • Tag Format Exception

  • VC Rendering Exception


The number of emails with the specified document name that failed with the specified error code.

Check All/Clear All

Select the check box to select all the emails in the results list. Clear the check box to clear all the selected emails.

Recover Selected Emails

Click to recover the emails you have selected. The emails will change to Queue status, so the Single Mailer will try send them again.

Delete Selected Emails

Click to delete from the queue all the emails you have selected.