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Administering the Frequency Emailer Queue

This section describes how to administer the Frequency Emailer Queue.

Page Name

Definition Name


Frequency Emailer Queue Report Page


Use to administer the Frequency Emailer queue.

Use the Frequency Emailer Queue Report page (RY_FREQUE_MAIL_QUE) to use to administer the Frequency Emailer queue.

Field or Control



Select the check box to select the associated dialog, or clear it to deselect the dialog.

Dialog Name

The name of the dialog.

Document Name

The name of the email document to be sent.

Original Email Service Type

Displays the email service type that originally was to send the mail: Single Mailer or Mailcaster.

Expiration Date

The date after which the email expires from the queue and will be discarded.

Email Address

The email address to which the email is to be sent.


The current status of the email. The possible values are:

  • Failed

  • Paused

  • Queued

  • Sending

  • Staged

  • Stopped

  • Waiting

Error Code

The reason why the email failed or was rejected. Error codes include:

  • Bad Email Address

  • Build Program Failed

  • Campaign or Document is Null

  • Data Not Accepted

  • Email Address is Null

  • Failed to Load Campaign or Doc

  • Fail Mail Exception

  • IO Exception

  • Message is Null

  • Mail Server Not Running

  • Persistence Exception

  • Recipient Not Accepted

  • Sender Not Accepted

  • Tag Format Exception

  • VC Rendering Exception

Instance ID

The instance ID of the particular email service that has reserved the email for sending.

Start Date/Time

The date and time when the email was enqueued in the Frequency Email Queue.

Last Modified Date/Time

The date and time when the email's status last changed.

Check All/Clear All

Select the check box to select all the emails in the list; clear it to clear any selected emails.

Recover Failed Emails

Click this button to attempt to recover and requeue any emails with status Failed.

Delete Selected Emails

Click this button to delete all the emails you have selected.

Update Queue

Click this button to update the email queue, which updates the counts of the email counter.

Delete All Queued Emails

Click this button to delete all emails currently in the queue.