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Admitted Student Conversion—Attend an On-Campus Pre-Registration Event Dialog

The Admitted Student Conversion—Attend an On-Campus Pre-Registration Event invites the admitted student to attend an on-campus event prior to registration. Each combination of Institution and Career should have a separate dialog.

Note: This sample dialog depicts a fictitious university and its undergraduate program. The web documents in the dialog refer to a template, CS_LAKE_UGRD, and the HTML email documents contain stylesheet information and references to a Great Lakes University image file. The web template and image are packaged and installed as part of the installation and setup process. Images of sample email messages display a preview version of the email—tags in curly braces ({}) represent content that will be merged when the dialog is Live. The sample dialog belongs to business unit of EGUBU and their audiences are part of SetID PSUSI.

The following illustration shows the flow of the Admitted Student Conversion—Attend an On-Campus Pre-Registration Event dialog:

Image: Admitted Student Conversion—Attend an On-Campus Pre-Registration Event Dialog Flow

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Admitted Student Conversion—Attend an On-Campus Pre-Registration Event Dialog Flow.

Admitted Student Conversion-Attend an On-Campus Pre-Registration Event Dialog Flow

Each member of the audience receives an email inviting them to attend an on-campus preregistration event. The student can click a link to proceed, or click another link to opt out of future emails.

Image: Admitted Student Conversion—Attend an On-Campus Pre-Registration Event Broadcast Email

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Admitted Student Conversion—Attend an On-Campus Pre-Registration Event Broadcast Email.

Admitted Student Conversion-Attend an On-Campus Pre-Registration Event Broadcast Email

The dialog also contains an External Event Trigger (for example, a banner ad) that takes the visitor directly to the pre-registration event selection page.

The audience definition criteria for the broadcast email is named CS_GLAKE_UGRD_CAMPEVENT and consists of people who:

  • Have never received this broadcast email.

  • Have DO NOT EMAIL set to “N” or empty.

  • Have a valid email address on file (EMAIL ADDRESS is not empty).

  • Are not deceased (Deceased Flag is “N” or empty).

  • Are admitted applicants, not prospects or non-admitted applicants.

  • Have Institution set to “X” and Career to “Y”.

  • Are starting in the Fall of 2004 (ADMIT TERM = 1047).

The audience content is also limited based on the user’s security profile.

The Admitted Student Conversion—Attend an On-Campus Pre-Registration Event dialog uses the following web documents:

  • Pre-Registration Event Selection page.

  • Confirmation and Thank You page.

Pre-Registration Event Selection Page

The Pre-Registration Event Selection page shows the user a list of available events on the campus. The user is asked to select one or more events. When the page is submitted, the user is taken to a confirmation and thank you page.

Image: Pre-Registration Event Selection Page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pre-Registration Event Selection Page.

Pre-Registration Event Selection Page

Confirmation and Thank You Page

The Confirmation and Thank You page thanks the user for registering and displays a list of the pre-registration events he or she has chosen.

Each applicant who selected an event receives a confirmation email confirming their event choices.

Image: Admitted Student Conversion—Attend an On-Campus Pre-Registration Event Confirmation Email

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Admitted Student Conversion—Attend an On-Campus Pre-Registration Event Confirmation Email.

Admitted Student Conversion-Attend an On-Campus Pre-Registration Event Confirmation Email

The respondent is given the opportunity to opt out of future mailings by clicking a web link in the broadcast email. This link takes the respondent to a separate dialog where he or she can indicate the desire to opt out.

See Opt-Out Dialog.