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Creating Web Template Documents

You can use any HTML document as an Online Marketing web template.

The following XML tags embedded within <SCRIPT> tags make it available to use with Online Marketing.

Note: When using HTML documents containing <FORM> tags, the <FORM> tags cannot span the Online Marketing content. If you use <FORM> tags, make sure to close them (with </FORM>) before the start of the Online Marketing tags.

Add this tag to the <BODY> section of the document:

	<script language="XML"

Note: If your web template includes tables, be sure to place the XML tag within the tags of the empty cell where the Online Marketing form is to be included.

Adding the following tag to the <HEAD> section of the document is required if you specify a title or a redirect URL for the web page. If you do not specify a title or redirect URL the tag is optional but recommended:

<script language="XML"

The tags define where the document content is to be inserted when the web document is rendered. Online Marketing renders the <TITLE>, <META>, and other header tags in the position specified by the psfttag:head tag and the rest of the document content in the position specified by the psfttag:body tag.

Note: Do not include any other scripting information in the <SCRIPT> tags, because the entire tag and its contents will be replaced by data from an Online Marketing document.

You can embed the following merge content objects in web templates by typing the merge content syntax (beginning with “pstag:vcType”) into the appropriate location in the template:

Note: Web links embedded within web templates will not be recognized by the Dialog Designer or the Document Designer, but they will be handled properly when your dialog is running.

Web templates should be limited to a maximum size of 1 MB and should be saved in UTF-8 encoding format.

See Merge Content Syntax.