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Deploying Dialogs

After designing the dialog, perform the following tasks:

  1. Test the dialog to ensure that it works properly.

  2. Collaborate with your technical implementer to perform a manual test with Event Wire (entering specific commands in a web browser to ensure proper operation).

  3. Collaborate with your technical implementer to test the dialog using your external system.

  4. Go live with the dialog.

After designing an Online Marketing dialog, you need to verify that it performs as intended. You (or the technical implementer) should then check that the external system is placing calls to Event Wire correctly.

You test your dialog by placing it in Testing state. While in Testing, you (or your technical implementer) can make calls to Event Wire to test that the dialog is performing properly. You can place the calls by entering the command directly in a browser. PeopleSoft Online Marketing Integration Guide.

After you verify that the dialog functions as intended, the dialog still should be tested through the external system while the dialog is in Testing. After ensuring that the external system is working properly with Event Wire, you are ready to change the dialog to Live state, generate the appropriate URLs, and ensure that the correct URLs are being used by the external system.

The last step before going live is to verify that all the changes were made correctly and that system performance is as expected.

After your Online Marketing dialog is integrated with the external system, if you make changes to the fields in the Landing page used by the external system, then the external system call to Event Wire may also need to be modified.

For example, if you change some fields on the Landing page, the technical implementer may need to modify the call from the external system to use the correct fields.