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Determining DES Status

You use the DES status pages to monitor the server and perform DES Scheduler service tasks, clear the cache, monitor memory usage, change debug flags, and view status reports for running single mailers, bulk mailers and frequency mailers.

Page Name

Definition Name


Control Center - Server Monitor Page


Use to monitor the Dialog Execution Server and to perform DES Scheduler service tasks.

Cache Page


Use to clear or refresh the DES cache for troubleshooting purposes.

Memory Usage Page


Use to monitor the DES memory usage for troubleshooting purposes.

Debug Page


Use to change the DES debug flags. This feature should only be used while troubleshooting your software with a My Oracle Support representative.

Email Service Page


Use to display a running status report for all currently installed single mailers or mailcasters.

Use the Control Center - Server Monitor page (RY_DES_SERVICE) to use to monitor the Dialog Execution Server and to perform DES Scheduler service tasks.

Image: Control Center - Server Monitor page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Control Center - Server Monitor page.

Control Center - Server Monitor page

When this page is active, the current status of the Dialog Execution Server cluster instances is displayed.

DES Cluster Instances

Displays the running status of the DES instance.

Field or Control



The identifier for the individual DES instance.

IP Address

The network address of the machine running the instance.

Host Name/Port

The name or port number of the machine running the instance.


The status of the instance: Running or Stopped


A brief description of the instance's status. Options are:

  • Timed out or killed

  • Create Failed

  • Create Requested

  • Create Successful

  • Delete Requested

  • Shutdown normally

  • Initializing

  • Run Request Failed

  • Run Requested

  • Shutting down

  • Stop Request Failed

  • Stop Requested

  • fully functional

Start Time

The time and date at which the instance was started.

Last Update

The time and date of the last time the instance was updated.


The DES updates its status by default every 30 seconds; click this button if you want to get the latest DES instance status manually.

Scheduler Timer

Manages the execution of dialog jobs, such as triggers and other internal dialog processes. Click Start Timer to start the Scheduler Timer, or Stop Timer to stop it.

Click Timer Status to view the current Scheduler status.

Note: The administrator of WebLogic or WebSphere application servers can stop and restart applications without bringing the server down. PeopleSoft does not recommend doing this with the Dialog Execution Server. If for any reason DES must be stopped and restarted, the server should be recycled by stopping and restarting it.

Use the Cache page (RY_CACHE) to use to clear or refresh the DES cache for troubleshooting purposes.

The Cache page clears cache and memory for troubleshooting purposes. This feature should only be used while troubleshooting your software with a My Oracle Support representative.

Field or Control


Cache Type

Select the type of cache you want to clear: Audience, Dialog, Profile, or Template.

Cached Objects

Displays the cached objects from all of the DES instances in the chosen cache type.


(Dialog cache type only) Click this button to cause DES to reload the specified Dialog data from the database into the DES cache.


(All cache types except Dialog) Click this button to cause DES to clear the specified object from the DES cache.

Clear all DES Cache

Click to clear all the Dialog Execution Server caches.

Clear Extensions Cache

Click to clear the DES Extensions cache.

Warning! Using the Clear Cache function can have an effect on system performance due to the fact that it clears all objects that are cached and therefore will take time to restore all these objects. Problems can occur if this command is used during the execution of a Scheduler or Single Mailer request.

Use the Memory Usage page (RY_MEMORY) to use to monitor the DES memory usage for troubleshooting purposes.

Image: Control Center - Memory Usage page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Control Center - Memory Usage page.

Control Center - Memory Usage page

The Memory Usage page allows you to monitor memory usage for troubleshooting purposes. You can view memory usage for documents or for all of DES by DES instance.

Field or Control


Memory Category

Choose a memory category:

DES Document Contact displays document memory usage.

DES Entire Server displays memory usage for all of DES.


Click to refresh the information displayed in the window.

DES Instance ID

Click this link to display the DES memory usage data for the selected instance.

Use the Debug page (RY_DEBUGFLAG) to use to change the DES debug flags.

This feature should only be used while troubleshooting your software with a My Oracle Support representative.

Image: Control Center - Debug page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Control Center - Debug page.

Control Center - Debug page

The Change DES Debug Flags feature should only be used while troubleshooting your software with a My Oracle Support representative. Any changes you make here will remain in effect until they are changed again using this feature, or until the server is restarted.

Field or Control



Enter the debug flags you want to send to the DES.

Send Debug Flag

Click to send the specified debug flags to the DES.

Note: Debug flags apply to all DES instances.

Use the Email Service page (RY_MAILCASTER_INFO) to use to display a running status report for all currently installed single mailers or mailcasters.

The Email Service page displays detailed information (via RMI) about Mailcaster, Frequency Mailer and Single Mailer processes.

Field or Control


Service Type

Select Frequency Emailer, Single Emailer, or Mailcaster.


Click to reload information about the selected service type from the system.


Field or Control


Email Engine ID

The Instance ID of the Frequency Emailer, Mailcaster, or Single Mailer

Host Name/Port

The name and RMI port number of the email engine.


The current status of the event. The possible values are:

  • Down

  • No Host Found

  • Idle

  • Not Registered

  • Running

Render Queue Size

The maximum number of messages on the queue to be rendered

Render Queued Count

The current number of messages on the render queue.

Render Thread Count

The number of render threads.

Send Queue Size

The maximum number of rendered messages to be sent.

Send Queued Count

The current number of rendered messages to be sent.

Total Sent Count

The total number of messages sent by the thread.

Send Thread Count

The current number of send threads.

Dedup Table Name

(Mailcaster only) The name of the deduplication table.

Mail Job ID

(Mailcaster only) The identifier of the mail job.

Job Status

(Mailcaster only) The current status of the mail job.

Is Small Job

(Mailcaster only) Whether the mail job is considered a small job (based on the smallJobOnly configuration parameter).

Message Queued

(Mailcaster only) The total number of messages in the queue (waiting to be sent) as part of this mail job.

Message Sent

(Mailcaster only) The total number of messages already sent as part of this mail job.

Send Threads

Field or Control


Thread ID

The Java thread name

Email Server

The SMTP server this thread uses to send mail.


The status of the send mail thread: Running or Idle.

Sent Count

The number of messages sent by this thread.