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Maintaining Dialog Servers

The Maintain Dialog Servers page allows you to install new instances of the Standalone Dialog Servers: Mailcaster, WatchDog, and Email Response Processor.

Page Name

Definition Name


Maintain Dialog Servers Page


Install Standalone Dialog Server instances.

Use the Maintain Dialog Servers page (RY_INSTANCE) to install Standalone Dialog Server instances.

Image: Maintain Dialog Servers page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain Dialog Servers page.

Maintain Dialog Servers page

Field or Control


Server Name

The name of the Process Scheduler running the instance.

Instance Type

The type of this particular instance: Mail Service, E-mail Response Processor, or WatchDog.

Service Type

The service type of this particular instance: For Mail Service, choices are Frequency Emailer, Mailcaster, or Single Emailer; for E-mail Response Processor, choices are Bounce Process or Reply Process. There are no choices for WatchDog.


The number of the specified instance.

Server Status

The current status of the server. Status values are Running and Stopped.

Request Status

The current status of the request. Values are:

  • timed out (DES) or killed by process monitor

  • Create Failed

  • Create Requested

  • Create Successful

  • shutdown normally

  • Initializing

  • Run Request Failed

  • Run Requested

  • Shutting down

  • Stop Request Failed

  • Stop Requested

  • fully functional

Start, Stop

Click Start to start an instance that is not currently running, or click Stop to stop a running instance.

Instance Start Time

The time at which the instance was started.

Instance Last Update Time

The time at which the instance's status was last changed.

Host Name/Port Number

The host name and port number of the machine running the instance.

IP Address

The IP address of the machine running the instance.

Create a New Instance

Click this button to create a new instance.


Click this button to refresh the view.

Note: You must click the Save button after specifying the new Instance required data, or click the Start or Stop button.