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Registering Guests for Events

The following steps describe how to design an Online Dialog to register guests for the event by providing guest information:

  1. Design an event registration Online Dialog.

    Image: Dialog Designer — Event Registration Dialog

    The following image shows the Event Registration Dialog flow.

    Dialog Designer - Event Registration Dialog
  2. Design a Landing Page with the elements Last Name and Email profile fields (select Prefilled) and a Submit button.

  3. Design an Intermediate Page to view the event availability and collect guest information using the following Document Elements:

    Image: Document Designer — Element List

    The following image shows the element list to view event availability and collect guest information:

    Document Designer - Element List

    The element Event Availability is defined by a merge code of the Access Marketing Event extension with get_availability=Y.

    Image: Document Designer — Element Properties

    This image shows the merge code for the Event Availability element.

    Document Designer — Element Properties
  4. Design a Final Page to register guests for events by using the Access Marketing Event extension and set the parameters as:


    guest_Last Name= <pstag:document value="LL IP - Guest Info.Guest Last Name" id="20786" />

    guest_Email= <pstag:document value="LL IP - Guest Info.Guest Email" id="20787" />

    Image: Register Guests for Events — Final page

    This image shows how to design the final page for the Online Dialog to register guests for events.

    Register Guest for Event - Final page