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Updating the Participant Guest Count

Setting up Online Marketing to register guests for marketing events involves:

  1. Designing the online dialog to update participant guest count.

  2. Designing the event registration dialog to register guests for the event.

The following steps describe how to design the Online Dialog to update participant guest count:

  1. Design the Event Registration Dialog flow.

    Image: Dialog Designer — Event Registration Dialog

    This image illustrates designing the Event Registration Dialog flow using the Dialog Designer.

    Dialog Designer - Event Registration Dialog Flow
  2. Design a Landing Page with elements.

    Image: Document Designer — Landing Page Element List

    This image shows the Landing Page with elements for the Event Registration Dialog.

    Document Designer - Landing Page Element List
  3. Design an Intermediate Page with elements.

    Image: Document Designer — Intermediate Page Element List

    This image shows the Intermediate Page with elements for the Event Registration Dialog.

    Document Designer — Intermediate Page Element List

    The merge code for the Participant Register Status element is as shown:

    Image: Participant Register Status — Merge Code

    This image shows the merge code for the Participant Register Status element.

    Participant Register status - Merge Code

    Image: Merge Content — Access Marketing Event

    This image shows the Select Content to Merge page for the Access Marketing Event extension.

    Select Content to Merge - Access Marketing Event Extension
  4. Design a Final Page with a Paragraph element. Specify a merge code for the Access Marketing Event extension with set_guest_counts = the Guest Counts document element in the Intermediate Page. For example, <pstag:Document name=”Document.IP-Guest Counts.Guest Count” />.

    Image: Document Designer — Final Page

    This image shows the final page for the Event Registration Dialog with a paragraph element.

    Document Designer - Final Page with Paragraph Element