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Understanding CRM Charts

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Three identical pagelets, CRM Charts 1 through 3, provide charts that give users valuable snapshots of their operations. Each chart pagelet can be configured to show summary information, details, or both:

  • Summary charts show the total number of cases that meet a chart's selection criteria during a specified time period.

  • Detail charts divide the time period into smaller units and provide subtotals for each period.

  • Combined charts show a summary chart followed by a detail chart.

Position the mouse over a chart (over the bar representing the charted data) to display pop-up text with information about the underlying data.

The PeopleSoft system delivers charts that display call center and order capture data. When you set up charts, you can change the chart names and the labels that are used for the x- and y-axes on the chart.

PeopleSoft Support Charts

This table describes charts used for Call Center data:

Chart Name


Case Backlog

The number of new cases created during the specified time period minus the number of cases closed during the specified time period. This number is determined based on the Date Created andDate Closed fields in the case.

Note that this number may be negative if more cases are closed than created.

Cases Resolved by the First Call

The number of cases closed on the first call during a specified time period. This number is determined based on the Resolved by First Contact field in the case.

Cases with Links to Resolutions

The number of new cases that are resolved. Cases are considered resolved if they are associated with a solution and the solution status is Resolution Successful.

This chart differs from the Problem Reports Closed chart because resolving a case does not necessarily close the case.

High Priority Cases

The number of high-priority cases created during the specified time period. This number is determined based on the Priority field in the case. (All priorities are associated with one of three priority types: high, medium, or low.) Cases are counted regardless of the current status, so this chart might include high-priority cases that are closed.

The system evaluates the priority at the time that the chart fetches the data; cases for which the priority has changed from high to another value are not included in the count.

New Problem Reports

The number of cases created during the specified time period. This number is determined based on the Date Created field in the case.

Problem Reports Closed

The number of cases closed during the specified time period. This number is determined based on the Date Closed field. (All statuses are associated with one of three status categories: open, closed, or cancelled.)

PeopleSoft Order Capture Charts

This table describes charts used for Order Capture data:

Chart Name


Captures on Hold

The number of captures created during the specific time period whose current status is Hold.

New Orders

The number of sales orders created during the specific time period.

New Quotes

The number of quotes created during the specific time period.