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Viewing Balance Information

To view balance information, use the Order Materials (RF_MATERIAL_ORDERS) component and the Service Order (RF_SERVICE_ORDER) component.

Page Name

Definition Name


Item Balance by Business Units Page


Check item balances for the inventory business units that are included in the distribution network that you define for customer support or field service operations.

Item Balance by Group Members Page


Check item balances for group members of the assigned provider group.

Return Message from Inventory Page




View messages about problems that the PeopleSoft CRM system encountered when it attempted to retrieve item balance information from the inventory system with the Item Balance EIP.

Field or Control


Message Log icon

The Message Log button indicates that the system recorded in the Message Log an error that the Item Balance EIP encountered. Click the button to view the message on an Item Balance Message page.

Use the Item Balance by Business Units page (RF_STOR_LOC_RST) to check item balances for the inventory business units that are included in the distribution network that you define for customer support or field service operations.

Note: This page is available only if you have implemented the Item Balance EIP to retrieve quantity balance information from PeopleSoft Inventory or a third-party inventory system.

Field or Control


Message Log icon

Click to access the Return Message from Inventory page.

IN Unit (inventory business unit)

Displays the inventory business unit in the distribution network that is associated with support or field service activities. The sequence of the business units reflects their order in the distribution network.

Quantity Available

Displays a subset of the quantity on hand, which reflects the total item quantity that you can use to fulfill demand.

Quantity On Hand

Displays, in the total item quantity in a particular business unit, regardless of the stock's inventory status and storage location. The field value includes both the item quantity available and the quantity reserved.

Note: This total does not reflect the total item quantity that you can use to fulfill demand.

Quantity Owned

Displays, in the item's standard unit of measure, the amount of the item that the inventory business unit owns.

Depending on from where you navigated, these links can appear at the bottom of the page: Return to RMA, Service Order, and Order Materials. Click a link to return to the corresponding component.

Use the Item Balance by Group Members page (RF_STOR_LOC_RST) to check item balances for group members of the assigned provider group.

Note: This page is available only if you have implemented the Item Balance EIP to retrieve quantity balance information from PeopleSoft Inventory or a third-party inventory system.

Field or Control


Message Log icon

Click the Message Log button to access the Return Message from Inventory page.

Provider Group Name

Displays the name of the provider group that is assigned to the service order activity.

Group Member Name

Displays the name of the group member that is assigned to the service order activity.

IN Unit (inventory business unit)

Identifies the inventory business unit where the group member's truck stock storage locations are defined.

Quantity Available

Displays the amount of the item that is available to fulfill orders in the group member's good truck stock storage location.

Area, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4

Displays the material storage area in PeopleSoft Inventory or the third-party inventory system that corresponds to the worker's good storage location. You can define a storage location definition in an inventory system using a storage area and up to four levels representing a physical subdivision of the storage area, such as aisles, rows, shelves, and bins.

Use the Return Message from Inventory page (RF_ITM_BAL_MSG1) to view messages about problems that the PeopleSoft CRM system encountered when it attempted to retrieve item balance information from the inventory system with the Item Balance EIP.

Note: This page is available only if problems occur while retrieving balance information with the Item Balance EIP.

The Message Node (for Item Balance by Business Units) or Storage Area Message (for Item Balance by Group Members) group box displays information about errors with the Item Balance EIP process.

The return message is the message catalog number.

Typically, business unit errors indicate that the business unit has not been defined or the business unit-item combination is invalid in the inventory system. Storage area errors typically indicate that the storage location for the technician's truck stock has not been defined or the storage location-item combination is invalid in the inventory system.