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Understanding PeopleSoft Enterprise Pricer Implementation

The setup for Enterprise Pricer is separated into two segments: performing setup tasks and establishing pricing options and values. Setup tasks are optional and are more complex and involve adding additional fields and completing significantly more complex tasks. As for pricing options tasks, they are simpler tasks that involve defining key fields appropriate to the enterprise.

Warning! The Enterprise Pricer application is delivered with standard setup for the Order Capture transaction. Changes made to certain delivered data, such as adding a new price transaction code, adding a price-by key for a record that's not already being used by Enterprise Pricer, and creating custom mathematical expressions, are considered system customizations and are not supported by the Global Support Center.

Perform setup tasks if you wish to modify Enterprise Pricer system data and alter how the application works in a standard implementation.

Available setup tasks include addition of price-by fields and transaction-specific options. Note that these tasks require customization to the application. For example, if a new pricing key for a record that is not already being used in Enterprise Pricer is added on a setup page, the developer must also customize both online and batch pricing to use the new key.

Setup tasks are optional in a standard pricing implementation because it delivers a predetermined set of price-by key fields and price list fields as well as ready-to-use pricing settings for the Order Capture transaction.

These setup tasks are:

  • Set up new price-by keys: The All Price-by Key Fieldnames page contains the standard list of available fields that are used when defining price rule conditions at the line level.

    All delivered price-by keys are available at implementation. Here you can add fields that are considered for price list determination and price rule creation.

  • Set up transaction code options: The options for the Order Capture transaction are delivered as system data and appear on the online pricing pages.

After the price-by keys and transaction code options are defined and specified, an Enterprise Pricer implementer or information technology person can perform these steps to set up other pricing options and values for use in defining price lists, price rules and arbitration plans:

  1. Specify price-by keys to be used by a transaction on the Transaction Price-By Keys component.

    This identifies the price-by keys used by the application when defining price lists and price rules for a transaction. Enterprise Pricer delivers price-by keys for the Order Capture transaction.

  2. Set up the pricing dates for the application on the Pricing Dates page.

    This defines the date variables used in the creation of price rules and arbitration plans. The dates are used to create breaks on the formula and select price lists. Delivered values are available.

  3. Set up the pricing variables for the application on the Pricing Variables page.

    This defines the pricing variables used for price formulas when creating price rules. The Pricing Variables page is used to establish the variables to be used for calculating net prices using mathematical expressions. Delivered values are available.

  4. Set up a rounding rule to be used to round up pricing adjustments or net prices if needed.

    Enterprise Pricer delivers a rounding rule called standard for use in Order Capture transactions.