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Profile Enablement

The Lead and Opportunity components support the display of profile fields on the More Info page. You can set up separate sets of profile fields to show in leads and opportunities based on the business object that is referenced (person or company).

To add profile fields to the More Info page:

  1. Define profile fields on the Profiles page.

    The CRM system delivers profile fields, some are for general use and some are geared towards specific industries. For profile fields that you want to use, make sure that they are activated.

  2. Add profile fields to profile groups on the Define Profile Group page.

  3. Assign the profile groups to the Sales Person component (for leads and opportunities referencing consumers) or the Sales Company component (for leads and opportunities referencing companies) on Assign Profile Group Display page.

    Here, you can configure if a profile field appears as read-only or can be updated at runtime.

Refer to the see reference for more information on how to set up profiles to display in profile-enabled components.

See Understanding Profiles.

At runtime, the profile fields appear on the More Info page of the component that is set up to display them. You can update the values of these profile fields if they are not set as read-only, which are stored in the corresponding lead or opportunity. However, the current status of the lead or opportunity also plays a role in determining the availability of profile fields for edits. In other words, if a lead or opportunity is in a status (for example, Converted to Opportunity for leads) that does not allow any update to be made, profile fields are not available for edit even if they are not set to be read-only on the Assign Profile Group Display page.