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Adding Notes and Attachments

This topic discusses how to enter and view notes and attachments.

Page Name

Definition Name


Lead - Notes Page


Enter notes and attachments related to the lead.

Opportunity - Notes

Opportunity - Notes Page


Enter notes and attachments related to the opportunity.

Use the Opportunity - Notes page (RSF_OPP_NOTES) to enter notes and attachments related to the opportunity.

Note: The Notes page appears in both the Lead component and the Opportunity component. Although the following example shows the Opportunity component, the information applies to both leads and opportunities.

Image: Opportunity - Notes page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Opportunity - Notes page.

Opportunity - Notes page

Field or Control



Select this check box to indicate that you want to send the note to the customer by email or to view the entire note.

Subject and Details

Click to display the Note Details section at the bottom of the page.


Click this button to access the Outbound Email page, where you can send an email message with notes and attachments to the customer.


Click to view the entire note.

Add Note

Click to display the Add a Note section at the bottom of the page.

Apply Note

Click to add the note to the Notes Summary section of the page.

Add an Attachment

Click this link to add an attachment to the lead or opportunity.

See Understanding Notes and Attachments.