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Cloning a Sales Lead or Opportunity

This topic discusses how to clone an existing sales lead or opportunity.

Page Name

Definition Name


Clone Lead Page


Clone a lead.

Clone Opportunity Page


Clone an opportunity.

Use the Clone Lead page (RB_CLONE_TXN_SEC) to clone a lead.

Note: Although the following example shows the Clone Lead page, the information also applies to the Clone Opportunity page.

Image: Clone Lead page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Clone Lead page.

Clone Lead page

Note: A setup component for cloning is available and it, if enabled, allows implementers to specify the behavior and options available for cloning leads and opportunities, which is then displayed on this page. This component is delivered as hidden from the portal navigation (under Set Up CRM, Product Related, Sales, Lead and Opportunity) and PeopleSoft CRM recommends that the cloning capability be used as delivered. Any modification to this setup component (for example, making it visible on the portal navigation, changing field values or options, and so on) is considered customization and is not supported by Oracle's Global Customer Support.

Field or Control


Number of Clones

Enter the number of copies that you want to make from the original lead or opportunity. The system creates the clones and appends the number of copies to the lead description.

Lead Name

Enter a name or description for the new lead or opportunity.


Select the data to copy from the original to the clone.