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Creating and Assigning Sales Tasks

This topic discusses how to create and assign sales tasks.

Page Name

Definition Name


Lead - Tasks Page


Create and track sales tasks to follow up on a lead, close a sale, or convert a lead to an opportunity.

Opportunity - Tasks Page


Create and track sales tasks that are needed to follow up on an opportunity and close the sale.

Use the Lead - Tasks page (RB_TSK_EDIT_GRID) to create and track sales tasks to follow up on a lead, close a sale, or convert a lead to an opportunity.

Note: The Tasks page appears in both the Lead component and the Opportunity component. While the following example shows the Lead component, the information applies to both leads and opportunities unless otherwise indicated.

Image: Lead - Tasks page: Task tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Lead - Tasks page: Task tab.

Lead - Tasks page: Task tab

Use this page to identify each task that is required to manage the lead or opportunity and close the sale. When a new task is added and saved, the system automatically saves the task to the calendar of the task owner and to the task list.

Sales tasks can be added using one of these methods:

  • Click the Add Task button to add tasks one by one manually.

  • Select a template from the Task Group field and click the Add Task Group button to add a set of predefined tasks manually.

  • Use the Active Analytics Framework (AAF) to populate a set of predefined tasks automatically. AAF policies are delivered to add preset sales tasks to leads and opportunities when the lead status is changed to open or rejected, or when the opportunity sales stage is changed to discover, qualify, or solution.

Tasks are not available for edit if you are not the task owner.

Note: When an opportunity is closed, the entire component becomes read-only except for the Task Summary section, where tasks can still be added or updated.

Field or Control



Filter the tasks that appear in the Task Summary list. Values are All My Tasks, My Closed Tasks, and My Open Tasks (default value).

Add Task

Click to add a new sales task.

Task Group and Add Task Group

Select a task group. For leads, only the task groups that are associated with the Lead application usage are available for selection. The same is true for opportunities, where you can select only from Opportunity-specific task groups.

Click the Add Task Group button to populate the Task Summary section with a set of predefined tasks that are associated with the selected task group.

The system allows duplicate tasks to appear in the Task Summary section.


Field or Control


Details Button

Click the Task Details button to access the Task Details page and enter or view detailed information about the task. This button appears after the page is saved.

Task Subject

Enter a description of the task.

Task Type

Select a task type. Set up task types on the Tasks Type page under Common Definitions, Task Management.

Task Status

Select the task status. Values are Cancelled, Completed, In Process, and Open.

Task Priority

Select the task priority. Values are High, Medium, and Low.

Start Date

Enter a start date for the task.

Start Time

Enter a start time for the task.

Assign Task

Select the Assign Task tab.

Image: Lead - Tasks page: Assign Task tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Lead - Tasks page: Assign Task tab.

Lead - Tasks page: Assign Task tab

Field or Control


Task Subject

Enter a description of the task.

Owner Name

Enter the user to whom the task is assigned.

Contact Name

Enter the name of the contact person for the task.

Set End Date

Select the: Set End Date tab.

Image: Lead - Tasks page: Set End Date tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Lead - Tasks page: Set End Date tab.

Lead - Tasks page: Set End Date tab

Field or Control


End Date and End Time

Enter the date and time when you expect to complete the task.


Select the Comments tab.

Image: Lead - Tasks page: Comments tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Lead - Tasks page: Comments tab.

Lead - Tasks page: Comments tab

Enter comments describing the task.