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Inactivating and Locking Forecasts

This section discusses how to inactivate and lock sales forecasts.

Page Name

Definition Name


Maintain Forecast Page


Inactivate and lock sales forecasts.

Use the Maintain Forecast page (RSF_FCAST_MAINT) to inactivate and lock sales forecasts.

Image: Maintain Forecast page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain Forecast page.

Maintain Forecast page

Warning! You cannot unlock a forecast once it is locked.

Field or Control



Select Inactive to inactivate the forecast. You can only access an inactive forecast on the Maintain Forecast page. You cannot view or modify an inactive forecast or include it in a forecast summary, rollup, or report.

You can reactivate a forecast at any time.

Forecast Locked

Select Yes to lock the forecast. On a locked forecast, you cannot:

  • Edit

  • Adjust rows

  • Autoforecast

  • Reforecast

A locked forecast remains visible unless you inactivate it. You cannot derive forecast summaries, rollups, reports, or other objects from locked forecasts.

Locked forecasts are permanently unavailable for editing. When you lock a forecast, you freeze the currency conversion rates for that forecast.