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Launching and Working with Forecast Interactive Reports

This topic discusses how to:

Page Name

Definition Name


Forecast Page (Interactive Reports)


Generate an interactive report summary of a revenue forecast or compare the current forecast to a previous forecast for the same time frame.

By Business Unit Page


Work with a forecast summary report by business unit.

By Region Page


Work with a forecast summary report by region

By Sales Rep Page


Work with a forecast summary report by sales representative.

By Territory Page


Work with a forecast summary report by territory.

Forecast Comparison Summary Page


Work with the forecast comparison report.

Use the Forecast (Interactive Reports view) page (RSF_FCAST_SAI) to generate an interactive report summary of a revenue forecast or compare the current forecast to a previous forecast for the same time frame.

Image: Forecast page (Interactive Reports view)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Forecast page (Interactive Reports view).

Forecast page (Interactive Reports view)

Field or Control


Forecast of

Select Revenue or Shadow.

Note: You can use interactive reports only if the functional option CORE_RSF_FCAST_SIMPLE is set to full functionality.

See Setting Up Functional Options.

Use the Forecast Summary page (RS_FCAST_BU, RS_FCAST_RG, RS_FCAST_SR, and RS_FCAST_TR) to work with a forecast summary report by business unit, region, sales representative and territory.

Image: Forecast Summary - By Sales Rep. page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Forecast Summary - By Sales Rep. page.

Forecast Summary - By Sales Rep. page

Select a dimension to view and analyze the forecast data from different perspectives. Within each dimension, you can organize the data by industry, model stage, or product group and drill down on various dimensions.

Field or Control


Industry and Product Group

The options for each of these fields are based on the industries and product groups.

Model Stage

Select the stage in the sales process for which you want to view data.

Use the Forecast Comparison page (RSF_FCAST_COMP) to work with the forecast comparison report.

This summary compares the current forecast for a time frame with an earlier forecast for the same time frame.

Use these dimensions to rearrange the forecast comparison and analyze it from different perspectives:

Field or Control


Show Deals

Select the data to show in the comparison. Values are All Deals, Only revenue declines, Only revenue increases, Only fallout and Only new revenue.

Product Group

Select from product groups associated with the opportunities in the particular forecast.