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Managing and Viewing Tasks

This section provides an overview of different ways to access tasks and discusses how to:

Page Name

Definition Name


Task Details Page


View task details.

Task Details - Related Objects for the Task Page


Associate a task with a lead or opportunity.

My Tasks Page


Manage and view tasks.

Monthly Calendar Page


View tasks in calendar format.

Use the Task Details page (RB_TSK) to view task details.

Note: When you enter and save a task on the Lead - Tasks page or the Opportunities - Tasks page, the system associates the task with a lead or opportunity and writes that task to the calendar (if applicable for the selected task type). However, when you enter a task directly into the My Calendar component or the My Tasks component, the system does not associate it with a lead or opportunity. You must click the View or Link Transactions link on the Task Details page to associate the task with a lead or opportunity.

Image: Task Details page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Task Details page.

Task Details page

Field or Control



The systems displays a link to the lead or opportunity with which the task is associated. Click the link to view the lead or opportunity.

View or Link Related Objects

Click this link to access the Task Details - Related Objects for the Task page, where you can associate the task with a lead or opportunity.

Use the Task Details - Related Objects for the Task page (RB_TSK_TXNS) to associate a task with a lead or opportunity.

Image: Task Details - Related Objects for the Task page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Task Details - Related Objects for the Task page.

Task Details - Related Objects for the Task page

Field or Control



Select this check box to indicate the primary transaction to which the task belongs. A task can be associated with multiple transactions. In that case, one transaction must be designated as the primary transaction for the task.


Select Company, Lead, Opportunity to link to the associated task.

Company, Lead, or Opportunity

The system displays one of these fields after you make a selection in the Transaction field. Select a company, lead, or opportunity with which the task is associated.

Add Transaction

Click this button to associate the task with the related object that you selected.