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Viewing History for a Lead or Opportunity

This topic discusses how to view the history for a lead or opportunity.

Page Name

Definition Name


Lead - History Page


View a history of system actions regarding a lead.

Lead - History Page or Opportunity - History Page


View a history of system actions regarding an opportunity.

Use the Lead - History page (RSF_LE_HISTORY) to view a history of system actions regarding a lead.

Use the Opportunity - History page (RSF_OPP_HISTORY) to view a history of system actions regarding an opportunity.

Image: Lead - History page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Lead - History page.

Lead - History page

Note: The History page appears in both the Lead component and the Opportunity component. Although the following example shows the Lead component, the information applies to both leads and opportunities.

<Lead/Opportunity> History

This section lists the history of changes, such as status update, rating update, change in opportunity sales stage, or reassignment of territory or sales representative that have happened to the current lead or opportunity.

Related Objects

This section lists objects that are related to the lead or opportunity, such as the associated opportunity if the current lead was converted to an opportunity, or the original lead if the current lead was a cloned object.

Interaction History

This section lists interactions (such as email messages or other correspondence) that are related to the lead or opportunity.