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PeopleSoft CRM Solution Management Reports: A to Z

The table in this topic lists PeopleSoft CRM solution management reports, sorted by report ID. These reports are shared by PeopleSoft Support, PeopleSoft HelpDesk, and PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService.

For more information about running the reports, refer to:

For samples of the reports, see the Report Samples that are published with this online documentation.

Report ID and Report Name



Run Control Page


Solution Usage

This report lists solutions that were used in cases created during the specified date range. For each solution, the report shows the solution usage count, solved count, and success rate.

select Solutions, then select Reports, then select Solutions Usage, then select Solutions Usage



Top Ten Solutions By Product

For each included product, this report lists the ten solutions that most often resolved cases that were created during the specified date range.

For each solution, the report shows the number of cases solved for that product.

select Solutions, then select Reports, then select Top Ten Solutions By Product, then select Top Ten Solutions By Product