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PeopleSoft Workforce Communications Features

PeopleSoft Workforce Communications features have been grouped into the following categories:

HR Programs and Communications

In PeopleSoft Workforce Communications, HR initiatives are represented by programs. A program is an initiative planned by the HR organization to achieve a specific objective such as launch a career development and training program, increase worker productivity or reduce worker medical claims. You can define the following types of programs in PeopleSoft Workforce Communications:

  • Dialog: A dialog is defined when an HR organization needs to conduct personalized, online (email or web) communications with the workforce.

  • Campaign: A campaign is defined when an HR organization needs to perform a coordinated set of manual or automated actions to accomplish the shared objectives of an initiative. These actions are called activities of the campaign.

  • Roll Up: A roll up program serves as the common parent to one or more campaign or dialog programs. It is defined when several individual programs need to be managed together as part of a “master” HR initiative.


In today’s competitive world, HR organizations need to constantly collect information from the workforce with the intent of improving their skills, satisfaction and productivity. Online surveys provide an inexpensive and effective mechanism to gather such information. With PeopleSoft Workforce Communications, surveys can be designed and rolled out to targeted groups of individuals to collect feedback, understand preferences, assess skills or identify training needs. Surveys can be deployed independently in a dialog, or as part of a bigger HR program. Results of surveys are recorded and available for reporting purposes for the life of the dialog. Survey feedback is critical to assess a program’s reach and comprehension as well as to identify improvement areas, enabling organizations to develop a plan of action. In cases in which respondent privacy is important, surveys can be run anonymously.

Surveys in a dialog flow are web documents with built-in surveying features. In addition to general read-only text, surveys contain user-enterable fields such as text boxes or a set of questions, each requiring one of the different types of answers – single choice, multiple choices, yes/no, and so on. When a survey is deployed online, respondents can complete the required information and then submit it. A built-in Scoring Framework allows survey designers to add weights to survey questions and their answer choices.

Each organization can define and deploy its own surveys. Some examples of how surveys can be used include:

  • Career development and skill assessment.

  • Employee engagement and satisfaction.

  • New hire and exit Interviews.

  • Health and wellness programs.

  • Equal opportunity compliance programs.

Reporting and Analytics

PeopleSoft Workforce Communications provides a number of operational and analytic reports allowing decision makers to view survey results, gauge the effectiveness of HR initiatives, make informed recommendations and take appropriate action.

PeopleSoft Workforce Communications reports help you answer the following types of questions:

  • Which initiatives were most successful?

  • Has the initiative resulted in the committed goal of cost reduction?

  • What % of recipients responded to the survey?

  • How many people opened the email communication? Who didn’t open it?

  • Which workforce demographic is the most and least satisfied or engaged?

  • How are satisfaction and engagement related to other factors?

  • How do you get the right talent in the right position?

  • How many contractors have we hired as a result of alumni programs?

Reports available for use with PeopleSoft Workforce Communications include:

  • Configurable Workforce Search: HR survey responses received from the workforce can contain certain information that needs to be preserved for future use. For example, an exit interview survey question could ask workers if they would likely consider rejoining the organization in the future. The answer received from each respondent could be stored in a custom profile field associated with workers and then reviewed by HR if the need to target alumni in a recruitment effort arises. PeopleSoft Workforce Communications provides a powerful, configurable search mechanism by which profile fields created to store survey responses can be used as workforce search criteria.

  • Dialog Performance Report: The success of an HR communications initiative rolled out as a dialog greatly depends on how effectively it reaches its target audience and how well the audience responds to it. The Dialog Performance interactive report displays key reach and response-related performance measures by dimensions such as dialog actions and audiences. Dialog reach measurements such as email hard and soft bounces, click through counts, ratio of emails opened to emails delivered, and so on are available for reporting purposes. Dialog response measurements such as response count, page visits, number of people submitting a survey, and so on can also be displayed.

  • Survey Analysis Report: A HR survey could be sent out to an audience consisting of a large number of workers. Every respondent of the survey has unique attributes: age, gender, experience level, job title, location, and so on. The Survey Analysis interactive report enables HR management to slice and dice results of a scored survey across respondents simply by dragging and dropping these attributes onto the report.

  • Survey Overall Responses Report: The distribution of answer choices selected by respondents for each question in a survey (for example, how many employees use a particular benefit program, or how many people are extremely dissatisfied with their manager) can be seen in the Overall Responses report.

  • Survey Individual Responses Report: Answers to every individual question in a survey for a respondent (for example, the reason she gave for leaving in her exit interview) can be viewed in the Individual Response report. HR can use this report in cases in which a detailed review of every response must be performed.