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PeopleSoft Workforce Communications Overview

Human Resources (HR) organizations are under growing pressure to produce better results at a time when budget, personnel and other critical resources are limited. Success in this environment can be challenging and requires organizations to focus resources on the most strategic initiatives – those that provide the greatest value to the organization and align with organizational goals and objectives. PeopleSoft Workforce Communications is a comprehensive solution for planning and delivering HR programs and surveys to the workforce and can help HR organizations address these challenges.

PeopleSoft Workforce Communications is the first and only solution in the market that enables HR organizations to:

Examples of HR programs and surveys that can be managed end-to-end using Workforce Communications include:

Workforce Communications includes functionality from the PeopleSoft Online Marketing and PeopleSoft Marketing applications, allowing users to:

With Workforce Communications, users will have the ability to target Workers and Person of Interests as recipients or targets of the email communications and web pages.

Delivering the Right Message to the Right Audience

Whether a HR program’s objectives are to increase employee participation in health and wellness programs, strengthen the organizational brand or ensure timely compliance with HR policies, if the program and message are not communicated to the right people at the right time it will not be successful. To maximize HR program success and achieve the best possible outcome, HR organizations can plan and deliver targeted, coordinated HR programs and the necessary communications, aligning employee behavior with organizational goals using PeopleSoft Workforce Communications.

  • Successful HR program planning and execution involves various people who need to work together as a unit. With PeopleSoft Workforce Communications, programs can be planned and run collaboratively in which stakeholders can set budgets, track costs, develop task lists and assign owners with ease. All HR team members participating in the planning and deployment of the program can stay in sync through various stages of the life cycle, helping to keep the program on track.

  • Communicating HR programs and messages effectively requires the right communication methods or channels and the right level of workforce exposure to the message being communicated. PeopleSoft Workforce Communications enables you to plan and deploy multi-channel, multi-stepped HR program communications, ensuring maximum reach and assured message delivery.

  • Messaging in HR programs needs to be relevant and reach the right workforce population. PeopleSoft Workforce Communications includes a wizard-based component that enables you to target defined groups of individuals. The content of the communication can be personalized to the recipient, delivering relevant content that they are more likely to read and benefit from. Additional tools allow you to identify groups that have previously received communications and avoid “spamming” your workforce.

Capturing Workforce Feedback and Taking Action

HR organizations can create a direct line of communication with the workforce via surveys using PeopleSoft Workforce Communications. HR organizations can build and roll out surveys to targeted groups of individuals for the purpose of assessment, feedback, satisfaction, preferences and more. Survey responses can be used by HR for organizational decision-making, enabling HR to be more strategic. Surveys used in combination with HR programs provide the instant feedback necessary for continuous improvement of HR programs.

  • Insight gained from workforce survey results can provide HR with the information needed to develop a more successful HR strategy and to play an important role in influencing decision making at a corporate level. PeopleSoft Workforce Communications delivers a scoring framework to quickly assess satisfaction, engagement and comprehension—all critical components to developing a robust strategy.

  • Surveys are a great mechanism to capture feedback for your HR programs to improve the quality of HR programs, to reduce the cost of programs and to assess whether the target audience of your program gets the message. With PeopleSoft Workforce Communications, you can assess the success of programs throughout their life cycles, resulting in higher-quality and lower-cost programs because you know what works and what doesn’t.

  • Personalization in surveys helps keep workers engaged and motivated about their participation. With PeopleSoft Workforce Communications, survey questions can be dynamically displayed so that individuals answer only the questions that are relevant to them. Follow-up actions can also be automated to be based on how an individual responds to a survey or interacts with an email or web page. Employees feel connected and informed, and that their opinions and concerns are being heard and addressed, which improves engagement and ultimately customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Gaining Program Insight and Quantifying Success

HR programs need to be analyzed to understand their effectiveness and to measure returns on investment. PeopleSoft Workforce Communications enables you to put more decision and support tools in the hands of the decision makers, enabling them to make informed recommendations and take appropriate action. Analysts and managers at all levels can review, analyze and quantify their HR initiatives.

  • Monitoring a program’s execution in real time can help HR organizations gauge program effectiveness and change course if needed, saving both time and money. PeopleSoft Workforce Communications-delivered analytics enable analysts and managers to understand program performance immediately and modify the program or target workforce population while it is in progress to ensure the best outcome.

  • HR programs that are run without tight oversight can quickly lead to cost overruns. With PeopleSoft Workforce Communications, costs incurred can be tracked against their allocated budgets, helping to identify areas in which costs could be cut or services could be modified.

  • Survey results could reveal risks and under-performing areas of the organization. PeopleSoft Workforce Communications can help HR understand trends in workforce engagement, make sense of critical feedback or data captured, and identify workforce populations that are the most and least engaged.