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Understanding Dialog Security

You can set security for online dialogs, defining which users and roles can access them and who can view the individual and aggregate reports that are generated from dialog data. You can set security for dialogs, different types of survey reports, audiences, and profiles. You can also set up surveys to be anonymous, so respondents' identifying information is not included with their survey responses.

When dialog security is specified for a dialog, the Marketing Program search will only display those dialogs that users are authorized to access, based on User ID or whether they belong to a role that has been given permission to view the dialog. Permissions are set in the Team tab on the Dialog Designer page. Note that the dialog owner has access to the dialog by default.

Individuals and roles can be given permission to view reports that contain survey responses from individual members of the audiences targeted by the dialog.

Individuals and roles can be given permission to view the aggregate Workforce Survey Analysis report for the specified dialog.

Access to profile definitions is available only to users with the WFC Profile Administrator role and associated permission lists. Profile managers can determine which of the Profile Groups are visible for Workers and Persons of Interest, and under what conditions (based on user role and other configurable conditions) those profiles and profile groups are visible.

Access to Worker and Person of Interest components is granted to users with the Workforce Administrator role and associated permission lists. Visibility to specific pages within the Worker record is controlled by CRM application security and the Secured Worker role that limits visibility to sensitive worker data based on the user role.

Workforce Communications provides the ability to allow employees, contingent workers, and persons of interest to complete dialog surveys anonymously. This enables confidentiality in responses when needed for surveys relating to satisfaction, engagement, or anything else of a sensitive nature.

For example, employees that attended an all-hands meeting can complete a survey to confidentially provide their feedback about the meeting's effectiveness. Depending on the information they provide, the system does one of the following.

Note: The most common scenario is for respondents to receive the survey link in an email, rather than by way of a web site.

If the Survey Link Was Received in Email

If the survey link was received in email, the system associates the survey with the person to whom it was emailed unless the Track click-through by recipient option is not selected in the email document. The Online Marketing documentation regarding adding a web link to an email document describes this option in more detail.

Note: Be aware that although Online Marketing will not track identifying information about an email recipient if the Track click-through by recipient option is not selected in the email document, if the dialog contains a last name and email address field and these fields are filled out, the survey will be associated with the respondent.

See Understanding Email Documents.

If the Survey Link Was Accessed from a Website

Surveys can be accessed from a web page. Surveys can be configured to provide a self-identification page where the recipient will need to provide their first name, last name, and email address. Once they've provided this info, the following validation will occur.

  • If the last name and email address are provided (by default—this is configurable on the Online Marketing Matching Rules page), the system checks to see if the employee exists in the database. If the employee does exist, the system stores the survey associates those survey results with the employee.

  • If the last name and email address are provided but employee does not exist in the database, the system creates a new Person, then creates a record for the survey associated to this new person.

    Note: If the dialog is marked for “Worker,” no new person record is created in the system.

  • If the last name and email address are not provided (that is, if the respondent chooses to respond anonymously) or not requested at all, the system bypasses the database and creates a record for the survey with no identifying information associated.