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ApprovalManager Class Properties

This section describes the ApprovalManager class properties.


True if the current transaction (header record) has a currently pending Approval Framework instance.


Get the current definition ID set on the App Def.


The level of the pending approval work--0 for header, 1 for line-level. The Approval Framework architecture guarantees that header and line-level approval work cannot be pending at the same time.

This property is read-only.


True if the user has any pending approval tasks for the current transaction.

Note: Typically this will be the signed on user, but it does not have to be.


This method is used to determine if there is any path that is pending with a step number greater than one. If there is a step greater than one, True is returned and push back is enabled.

This is a read-only property.


The current approval process instance.


True if the user is a reviewer in the approval process.

This is a read-only property.