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EmailFormManager Class Properties

This section describes the emailFormManager class properties.


A string of text that the user will see if the deliveryMethod property is set to inline but their mail client does not support HTML emails. A default is provided. inlineText and attachmentText will never be delivered in the same email.


A string of text that the user will see if the deliverMethod property is set to attachment. This text will generally be used as instructional text telling them to detach the html form and submit it. A default is provided. inlineText and attachmentText will never be delivered in the same email.


The subject of the email to be sent. Default is PeopleSoft Collaborative Email Routing. Keep language considerations in mind when using this property.


A string of text that the user will see if the deliveryMethod property is set to inline but their mail client does not support HTML emails. A default is provided. inlineText and attachmentText will never be delivered in the same email.


The name of the person or account sending this email.


The email address of the person or account sending this email.


The address users should reply to if there is a problem. This defaults to the same email address that form responses are fielded from.


Use this variable to include any text you would like inserted before the form being emailed.


Use this variable to include any text you would like inserted after the form being emailed.


Specifies whether to send the emails as inline html or attachments. Attachments will include a better user interface as the browser used to view the html attachment is likely to support more JavaScript and DHTML than email clients like Lotus Notes. Valid values are I for Inline and A for attachment.