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Defining Dynamic Approvals

This topic discusses how to define dynamic approvals.

Page Name

Definition Name


Approval Authorization Page


Authorize roles and approvers for dynamic paths.

Criteria Definition


Click theCriteria link on the Approval Authorization page.

Define criteria for the workflow approver.

Setup Process Definitions Page


Define approval process stages.

Approval Path Definition Page


Click the Path Details button or the Details link on the Setup Process Definitions page.

Set up workflow approval paths.

User List Definition Page


Set up list of users for workflow approval.

User Profile - General


select PeopleTools, then select Security, then select User Profiles, then select User Profiles, then select General

Set up user IDs and assign roles.

Use the User List Definition page (EOAW_USER_LIST) to set up list of users for workflow approval.

Image: User List Definition page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the User List Definition page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

User List Definition page

Use the Approval Authorization page (EOAW_AUTH) to authorize roles and approvers for dynamic paths.

Image: Approval Authorization page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Approval Authorization page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Approval Authorization page

If you don’t specify a Definition ID, the authorization is generic. To create an approval authorization for specific definition IDs, you must add a line for each Definition ID.

Select either a role name or User ID. For each role or user, you can configure the criteria and self-approval criteria, using the links provided.

Note: If you activate self-approval on the Approval Authorization page, it replaces the self-approval on static path steps.

Use the Approval Path Definition page (EOAW_PATH_SEC) to set up workflow approval paths.

Image: Approval Path Definition page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Approval Path Definition page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Approval Path Definition page

Field or Control


Step Source

Select Dynamic for a dynamic approval path.

Notify Admin on No Approvers (notify administrator on no approvers)

Select to indicate that the administrator is to be notified if the system does not find an approver for the path. This option is only available when the step source is Dynamic.

Skip Prior Steps for Requester

Select to indicate that if one of the approvers in this path is also the requester, then the system is to skip all steps in the path prior to that approver's step.

Check Authorization

Select to enable the approval authorization. The data set up in Authorize Approvers component is used.

Skip Unauthorized Users

Select to enable the approval process to skip users within the user list if the system determines that they can't satisfy all of the criteria for approval. This field works in conjunction with the field Check Authorization.

Note: When creating criteria within the path that will trigger the approval process to activate, be certain that you set up the final approver as Greater Than so that no gaps occur.