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Defining Subject Areas

This section discusses how to define subject areas.

Page Name

Definition Name


Define Subject Areas Page


Define subject areas.

Use the Define Subject Areas page (EOCF_SUBJ_HIER) to define subject areas.

Image: Define Subject Areas page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Subject Areas page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Subject Areas page

Field or Control


Subject Area Detail

Enter a subject name and description and click Apply Subject Name. The subject area name does not need to be unique.

Click Show Associated Terms to display the list of terms associated with this subject area node. Order the terms appearing for a subject area node by specifying display order numbers. The order depicts how the terms are displayed for a subject area node in the term list presented in the condition builder.

Subject Area Tree

The subject area tree displayed on the left-hand side has the following icons:

  • Expand All. Expands all subject area nodes.

  • Collapse All. Collapses all subject area nodes.

  • Add Sibling. Adds a new sibling node under the subject area node currently selected. Enter a subject area name and description on the right-hand pane and click Apply Subject Name to apply changes.

  • Add Child. Adds a new child node for the subject area node currently selected. Enter a subject area name and description on the right-hand side and click Apply Subject Name to apply changes.

  • Delete Node. Deletes the selected node.

  • Cut. Cuts the currently selected node.

  • Paste as Sibling. Pastes the node previously cut as a sibling of the currently selected node.

  • Paste as Child. Pastes the node previously cut as a child of the currently selected node.