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Maintaining Cache

This section provides an overview of cache maintenance.

Page Name

Definition Name


Maintain Cache Page


Run the cache maintenance AE process.

Results Page


Review the cache maintenance process result.

To improve the overall performance of transactions, AAF implements rowset cache, which is used for populating the information on AAF objects, such as terms, implementations, contexts, subject areas and so on. Data caching occurs when AAF objects are added and updated. However, with caching in place, sometimes the system may not pick up all updates that are made to existing objects.

To avoid missing updates, AAF provides an application engine (AE) process that, when run, clears rowset cache.

Use the Maintain Cache page (EOCF_CLR_CACHE) to run the cache maintenance AE process.

Image: Maintain Cache page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain Cache page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Maintain Cache page

Cache maintenance is a two-step process. First, perform a synchronization check on the types of cached objects you selected. When the process instance completes successfully, load the cached objects. When the loading process is also completed successfully, reboot the application server and web server, clear all caches, and check to make sure that modified AAF objects have in fact been updated in the system.

Note: You need to sign into the PeopleSoft system in the same language that was used to run the cache maintenance process to view any AAF object updates that occurred as a result of the process.

Field or Control


Check Synchronization

Select to run a synchronization check on the types of cached objects that are selected in the Cached Object Types group box. This is the first part of the cache maintenance process.

Bulk Load

Select to load the selected types of cached objects to the system. This is the second part of the cache maintenance process.

Examine Cache

Click to start the cache maintenance (EOCF_DCACHE) process (for either Check Synchronization or Bulk Load) in Process Scheduler. Both the link and the current status of the actual process instance are available on this page.


If you wish to run the process periodically, select the applicable server and frequency for its run schedule.

Use the Results page (EOCF_CLR_RESULTS) to review the cache maintenance process result.

Image: Results page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Results page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Results page

Use this page to review the EOCF_DCACHE AE process result. The counts or status of fixed cache objects is stored in the EOCF_CLR_STATS table.