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Registering Operators and Operator Sets

This section discusses how to register operators and operator sets.

Operators within PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework are defined in text expressions that are used to evaluate a condition at runtime. The operand values in the text expressions must be substituted for an operator definition for integration with policies. The substitution of operand values is ensured by the correct placement of metatext corresponding to the desired operand or source term.

To refer to the left-hand side of a condition, use %0 as the value. To refer to right-hand-side operands 1-4 , use the text values %1, %2, %3, and %4, respectively. For example, the following operator expression determines whether the numeric term's value is less than a right-hand-side value:

%0 < %1

Note: If you edit operators, policies that reference them must be recompiled. Do this by editing and saving the policy.

Page Name

Definition Name


Register Operators Page


Define operators.

Register Operator Sets Page


Define operator sets.

Use the Register Operators page (EOCF_OPERATOR_DEFN) to define operators.

Image: Register Operators page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Register Operators page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Register Operators page

Register custom operators by defining the left-hand-side and right-hand-side operand specifications and entering expression text.

Field or Control


Operator Name

Enter the name of the operator you are defining. Operator names do not need to be unique as long as the expression texts are different.

Number of RHS (right-hand side) Parameters

Specify the number of right-hand-side parameters that are required to evaluate the Boolean value for this operator. The condition builder uses this to display one or more right-hand-side fields to enter values.

Note: In this release, the condition builder interface supports a maximum of two right-hand-side parameters for an operator.

Left operand data types

Specify the supported data types for the left-hand-side operand of this operator. This data is used to constrain the list of operators in the condition builder.

Right operand specifications

Specify the type for each of the right-hand-side parameters.

  • Match LHS Type. Supports the left-hand operand data types.

  • Fixed Type. Specify a fixed data type for this parameter.

  • Multi-Select. Enables selection of multiple values for this parameter at condition building time.


Specify the technical expression defining how the operator works.

Use the Register Operator Sets page (EOCF_OPERSET_DEFN) to define operator sets.

Image: Register Operator Sets page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Register Operator Sets page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Register Operator Sets page

Operator sets define the list of valid operators for a term selected on the left-hand side of a condition.

Enter a unique operator set name and description, and add valid operators for this set.