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Registering Resolution Methods

This section discusses how to register a resolution method.

Page Name

Definition Name


Register Method Page


Define the resolution method.

Use the Register Method page (EOCF_DEF_RESLMTHD) to define the resolution method.

Image: Register Method page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Register Method page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Register Method page

Resolution methods are used to build implementations. Oracle supports the following resolution methods:

  • Application class

  • PS Query

  • SQL Object

  • Record.Field

Field or Control


Resolution Method Name

The unique name of the resolution method.

Driver Class

The application class that encapsulates the data retrieval mechanism for this resolution method.

List out the parameters that need to be supplied by implementation using this method

Lists the parameters that an implementation using this method needs to supply.

List out the data types that can be returned by the implementation

Lists the valid data types that can be returned by an implementation using this resolution method.