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Registering Trigger Types and Trigger Points

This section discusses how to register trigger types and trigger points.

Page Name

Definition Name


Register Trigger Type Page


Define trigger types.

Register Trigger Point Page


Define trigger points.

Use the Register Trigger Type page (EOCF_EVTYP_DEFN) to define trigger types.

Image: Register Trigger Type page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Register Trigger Type page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Register Trigger Type page

Enter details about the trigger type that you are defining and select the valid actions.

Use the Register Trigger Point page (EOCF_EVENT_DEFN) to define trigger points.

Image: Register Trigger Point page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Register Trigger Point page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Register Trigger Point page

Field or Control


Trigger Point Name

The unique and descriptive name of the trigger point.

Trigger Type

Used by IT developers to determine which PeopleSoft event in the component needs to be enabled with this trigger point. This option also restricts the list of valid action types that can be used when you are creating policies for this trigger point.

Code Name

Use to reference the trigger point when programmatically enabling this trigger point for a PeopleSoft component. Changes made to the code name, after you enable this trigger point for a PeopleSoft component, may disrupt the execution of policies for this trigger point at runtime.

Context Name

Defines the context for the trigger point.