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Setting Logging and Installation Options

This section discusses how to set the data library log and installation options.

Page Name

Definition Name


Data Library Log Settings Page


Set Data Library logging options.

Install Options Page


Set Active Analytics Framework installation options.

Use the Data Library Log Settings page (EOCF_DL_LOG_SET) to set the data library logging options.

Image: Data Library Log Settings page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Data Library Log Settings page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Data Library Log Settings page

Field or Control


Log File Name

Enter a name for the log file and select Append to an Existing File, if desired.

Term Resolution

Log technical details of the resolution of individual terms.

Context Generation

Log technical details about the generation of contexts.

Bind Substitution

Log technical details about implementation binds substituted with values from the runtime context.

Cache Management

Log technical details about usage of cache.

Object Factory Processing

Log technical details about the loading of framework object definitions.

Use the Install Options page (EOCF_INSTALL) to set Active Analytics Framework installation options.

Image: Install Options page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Install Options page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Install Options page

Field or Control


Data Source

The product line for this database, for example CRM or HMS.

Default SetID

The setID value to use for a component that does not use set control.

% of Trigger Points to Log

When you are logging for performance monitoring, the impact of logging can be alleviated only by logging a percent of trigger points executed. Specify a percent value between 1 and 100.

Disable Runtime

This option disables all trigger points from running.

Log to Database

Determines whether the log will be written to the database or to a text file.

Log File Name Prefix

If a file is logged instead of the database, this prefix is prepended to each user's log file.

Note: The decision engine log file is created in the default files directory for this application server instance. Typically, the application server uses the directory %PS_CFG_HOME%\appserv\<servername>\files. The application server creates this directory as needed; therefore, if no log files have been written, it may not yet exist.

Log Everything

If selected, causes all normal logging options to be activated.

Data Library Logging

Includes the data library log entries in the decision engine log.

Log Driver Keys

Log the primary key values driving each trigger point's context (transaction).

Log Messages

Log messages that policies or actions may generate.

Context Bind Values

Log values retrieved directly from the operant context.

Elapsed Trigger Point Time

Log the time required to complete a trigger point.

Elapsed Term Evaluation Time

Log the time required to evaluate a term.

Term Values

Log the values of evaluated data library terms.

Trigger Point Action Count

Log the number of actions created by the execution of a trigger point.

Trigger Point Policy Count

Log the number of policies evaluated for a trigger point.

Trigger Point created Actions

Log the actions created during the evaluation of policy conditions for a trigger point.

Elapsed Policy Time

Log the time required to evaluate the condition portion of a policy.

Policy Fired

Log whether a policy condition was true or false.

Action Counts per Policy

Log the number of actions created by a policy.

Terminal Actions Generated

Log terminal actions created by a policy.

Elapsed Action Time

Log the time that an action to takes to finish.

Actions Combined Together

Log actions that were combined during execution.

Ignored Terminal Actions

Log any terminal actions that could not be invoked.

Debug Trace

Log debugging information; this option is not normally used.