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Understanding PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface

This overview discusses the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface.

Oracle’s PeopleSoft has two user interfaces

  • PeopleSoft Classic User Interface, which was designed to be used on a laptop and desktop. This interface was previously know as PIA (PeopleSoft Internet Architecture).

  • PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface, which was designed to be used on mobile devices, but can also be used on a laptop and desktop. Oracle delivers fluid pages for a variety of PeopleSoft self-service transactions across its various modules.

PeopleTools documentation regarding the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface includes:

  • PeopleTools: Applications User's Guide, Working With PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface.

  • PeopleTools: Fluid User Interface Developer’s Guide

If a user on a mobile device navigates to a transaction for which a fluid page exists, the fluid page appears regardless of whether the user navigated using a home page tile or the classic menu structure. For example, when users on mobile devices use the classic menu to view their paychecks, the system automatically displays the Pay fluid page rather than the View Self-Service Paycheck classic page. The logic that displays a fluid page when a user navigates from the classic menu is known as conditional navigation. Conditional navigation is also the mechanism that displays the fluid home when users initially access the system on a mobile device.

Note: The user needs to have the appropriate Fluid role to be transferred to the Fluid page. If a user on a desktop or laptop accesses a fluid home page and taps a tile, conditional navigation logic does not redirect the users to a classic page.