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Setting Up Pagelets for WorkCenters and Dashboards as a System Administrator

This topic discusses how to define configuration IDs for WorkCenters and Dashboards.

Page Name

Definition Name


Configure Pagelets – WorkCenter/Dashboard Page


Define configuration IDs for WorkCenters and Dashboards.

WorkCenters are designed for specific roles and provide a central area for users to access key components. They enable users to access various pages and perform daily tasks without leaving the WorkCenter, which reduces the time used to navigate through menus.

Click to watch a short video about how to Configure WorkCenters: Application Framework

Use the Configure Pagelets – WorkCenter/Dashboard page to (FSPC_ADMIN_MAIN) define configuration IDs for WorkCenters and Dashboards.

Image: Configure Pagelets – WorkCenter/Dashboard page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Configure Pagelets – WorkCenter/Dashboard page.

Configure Pagelets – WorkCenter/Dashboard page

Use this page to add or maintain the configuration of a pagelet. You can determine if the pagelet configuration is to be used in a WorkCenter, Dashboard, or both by entering the menu item in which the WorkCenter or Dashboard should appear.

Create one configuration ID for each combination of WorkCenter and Dashboard for your organization.

The menu item for a WorkCenter or Dashboard cannot be associated with more than one configuration ID. WorkCenter menu items are defined in the Manager WorkCenter Pages component. Dashboard menu items are defined in the Portal as Homepage tabs.