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Understanding Banners in PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface

A standard banner appears at the top of every fluid page. The banner includes the page title and some standard buttons. they appear differently for phone and tablet devices.

PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface Banner on a Tablet

Image: Banner on a tablet device

Banner on a tablet device

Banner on a tablet device

The banner on the tablet will display the following for all pages:

Field or Control


Back Button

The Back button with text indicates the last page the user was on.

Page Title

This displays the name of the current Fluid User page.

Home Icon

Takes you to your home page.

Search Icon

Enables you to search.

Alerts Icon

Tap to view actions and alerts in a notifications window.

Actions Icon

Tap to see a list of available actions for the current window. Access pages to personalize home page content or sign out.

NavBar Icon

Tap to expand the NavBar window, where you can select window content from options, such as Recent Places, My Favorites, Navigator, My Preferences, and Fluid Home. Tap again to collapse the NavBar window.

PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface Banner on a Phone

Image: Banner on a Phone

Banner on a Phone

Banner on a phone

The typical banner on a phone displays the following:

Field or Control


Back Button

This is a icon with only an image and takes you to the last page that you were on.

Page Title

This displays the name of the current Fluid User page.

Alerts Icon

Tap to view actions and alerts in a notifications window.

Menu Icon

Tap to access Pending Approvals, History and other Fluid User Interface menu items like Home, About, Sign Out.