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Using the Currency Exchange Calculator

This section discusses how to convert amounts using the currency exchange calculator.

Page Name

Definition Name


Currency Exchange Calculator Page


Calculate currency exchange between currencies.

This tool enables you to select a rate type other than the base currency, but does not enable you to override the exchange rate.

Use the Currency Exchange Calculator page (CURRENCY_EXCHNG_PN) to calculate currency exchange between currencies.

This tool enables you to select a rate type other than the base currency, but does not enable you to override the exchange rate.

Image: Currency Exchange Calculator page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Currency Exchange Calculator page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Currency Exchange Calculator page

Field or Control


From Amount

The currency exchange is based on the from amount that you enter and the current exchange rate set up on the Market Rate page.

See Defining Market Rates.

From Currency Code

Select the currency code from which to calculate the exchange amount.

To Currency Code

Select the currency code to which to calculate the exchange amount.

Exchange Rate Type

Select the type of exchange rate to use for this calculation.

Converted Amount

Click the Calculate button to calculate the amount and display it in this field.