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Overview of Using PeopleSoft Directory Interface

This section briefly describes the steps needed to use PeopleSoft Directory Interface, including:

Perform the following steps in PeopleSoft Application Designer and PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

Setting Up in PeopleSoft Application Designer

Access PeopleSoft Application Designer.

  • Create authentication and user profile maps as needed.

    If you are going to authenticate users with the directory server, a PeopleSoft user profile is required—that is, a row in the PSOPRDEFN table where PeopleSoft user information is stored. In this context, you cache LDAP user information inside your PeopleSoft system. Properties that you specify in the Mandatory and Optional Properties pages of the Mappings component are the columns in PSOPRDEFN that the system populates with values from your directory server. PeopleSoft applications use this cache of user information, not your directory server. Whenever a transaction requires user information, the application refers to the local PSOPRDEFN table instead of querying the directory server.

  • Add Signon PeopleCode.

    Directory authentication requires that Signon PeopleCode be enabled and configured with proper permissions. After a user signs onto the system and the Signon PeopleCode runs, the PeopleSoft system creates a row for the user in the user definition table by retrieving the LDAP information and creating a local cache. Signon PeopleCode maintains this row automatically and any changes made in the directory server are reproduced in the local cache. Using the Mappings component, set up mappings. To keep the data synchronized, you must map PeopleSoft data to the equivalent directory objects. PeopleSoft Directory Interface then associates the fields in the message with the attributes in the directory and updates the selected directory attributes with the field data from the message.

  • Activate the DSCHNL channel.

    Open the message channel and select Run.

See PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Application Designer Developer's Guide

Setting Up in PeopleSoft Integration Broker

Access PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

  • Activate a relevant node.

    This node should be the default local node.

  • Define a service operation.

    Note that the service operations, and messages to include in the service operations, depend on the application. For example, in an human resources implementation, you might want to include messages such as Dept, Location, Person, and Job in a service operation, in addition to core messages such as DSMINPUT.

See PeopleTools: Integration Broker

Access Directory Configurations component (PSDSSETUP) from the browser menu.

  • Using the Directory Configurations component, configure the directory.

    Enter appropriate connection information such as the server name (DNS or IP address) and the listening port number, the user DN, and associated password.

  • Using the Schema Management page, select names of object classes and attribute types and then cache the schema.

  • To keep the data synchronized, you must map PeopleSoft data to the equivalent directory objects.

    Set up mappings using the Mappings component. After this is completed, PeopleSoft Directory Interface associates the fields in the message to the attributes in the directory and updates the selected directory attributes with the field data from the message.

  • Using the Membership Rules component, create rules and memberships, if desired.

  • Load data in the directory.

  • Set directory search criteria.

    Enter search parameters to query the directory and view the results.