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Common Elements Used in The Publish Utility

Field or Control


Alternate Chunk Table

(Optional.) Enter the name of an alternate chunk table.

This field in disabled until you enter a value in the Chunk Rule ID field.

Service Operation

Click the link to view the service operation definition associated with the publish rule.

Chunking Rule ID

Associate a chunking method with the publish rule, if needed.

Message Options

The valid options are:

  • Create Message Header

    Select the check box to have the system create a message header when the publish rule is invoked. Clear the check box if you do not want a message header created when the publish rule is invoked.

    By default, the Create Message Header check box is selected.

  • Create Message Trailer

    Select the check box to have the system create a message trailer when the publish rule is invoked. Deselected the check box if you do not want a message trailer created when the publish rule is invoke.

    By default, the Create Message Trailer check box is selected.

Publish Rule ID

Enter the name of the publish rule to create and assign to the message.

(Publish Rule ID) Description

Enter a description for the publish rule.


Displays the message and message version associated with the service operation assigned to the publish rule.

Output Format

Indicates the output format of the Publish utility.

The valid output formats are:

  • Message (default value).

  • Flat file.

  • Flat file with control record.

See Understanding Publishing Rules.

Record Source Mapping

Use this section to specify the source data for a record in a message.

The page elements in this section are:

  • Message Record Name: Enter the name of the record in the message that you want to map to another record.

  • Source/Order By Record Name: Enter the record name that the Publish utility uses to select data.

Service Operation

Displays the name of the service operation associated with the publish rule.

(Service Operation) Description

Displays the description of the service operation associated with the publish rule.


The valid values are:

  • Active: Activates the publish definition.

  • Inactive: (Default) Inactivates the publish definition.