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Correcting Message Errors

This section provides an overview of the Workflow Notification process and discusses how to correct message errors.

Warning! Effective with the PeopleTools 8.48 release, the Integration Broker Service Operations Monitor supersedes the Error Handling utility.

Workflow error notification involves the following steps:

  1. A process-scheduled Application Engine program scans data errors in the staging tables (or in the Subscription Contract Message queues) at a given interval.

    Note: You can also run a separate Workflow Notification Application Engine program for messaging queues.

  2. When the Application Engine program finds errors in the actual message queue or the staging summary table, it opens respective component interfaces that invoke the designated temporary components for inserting error data into the underlying temp tables.

  3. Saving the temporary page (through component interface calls) triggers workflow PeopleCode to send worklist notifications to designated users, depending on the role name or user ID that you selected on the Data Maint Setup1 page.

    Note: The Application Engine program traps only the first error for each field, but it can trap multiple errors for each record.

To correct message errors:

  1. Access the Data Maint Setup1 page to open the worklist.

  2. Open the worklist.

    You are transferred to the Data Maintenance page (EO_EIP_CTL_MAINT) to correct the errors.

  3. Find the error rows by using a combination of search criteria, such as transaction type, business unit or setID, and error status.

  4. Click the Search icon.

  5. Click the Show Detail Entry icon (to the left of each row) to select a specific transaction that represents a single message or a single row of header-level record from the staging table.

  6. Correct the data.

  7. Click the Return button to return to the Error Handling Summary page (EO_EIP_CTL_MAINT) and continue the session with other transactions.

Note: In this scenario, the corrected data does not update core PeopleSoft tables. Instead, it updates the message queue or staging tables.