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Examining Related-Language Messaging Scenarios

Actual related-language messaging scenarios include publishing a non-base language message and switching a preferred language.

This section discusses how to:

In the following example, the publishing system base language is English, the subscriber base language is Japanese, and the user’s preferred language is German.

This is the process for publishing:

  1. An online user adds a new level 0 key on a page.

    The data is stored in both the base language table (English) and the related-language table (German).

  2. The system publishes a message in the user’s preferred language (German).

  3. The data is inserted into the subscribing system.

    The data is inserted into both the base language table and related-language table (German) because it is added for the first time; data cannot reside in a related-language table without corresponding data being in the base table.

This is the process for switching a preferred language:

  1. A user switches the preferred language from English to Japanese.

    The user updates the same record as in the previous scenario. Data that is not language-sensitive is updated in the base table (English). Language-sensitive data is inserted into the related-language table (Japanese).

  2. A system publishes a message in the user’s preferred language (Japanese).

  3. Data is inserted into the subscribing system.

All data goes to the base table (Japanese), because the message was sent in the same language as the subscribing system’s base language.