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Publishing Effective-Dated Rows and Prior-Dated Rows from the Delay Table

This section provides an overview of publishing effective-dated rows and prior-dated rows from the Delay table, and discusses how to run the Effective Date and Prior Publish utility.

Page Name

Definition Name


Effective Date Prior Publish Page


Run the Effective Date and Prior Publish utility.

Publishing effective-dated rows and prior-dated rows from the delay table is similar to publishing effective-dated rows. The difference is that in addition to publishing messages with a specified effective date or date range, the system also publishes all prior-dated rows with non-key changes.

Use the Effective Date Prior Publish page (EO_EFFPRIORPUB) to run the Effective Date and Prior Publish utility.

Image: Effective Date Prior Publish page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Effective Date Prior Publish page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Effective Date Prior Publish page

Field or Control


Message Name

Select the current incremental message to publish.

End Date

Select the highest effective date to process from the delay table.


Click to run this request.