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Registering Internal Address Books

This section discusses how to register and define your internal address book.

Page Name

Definition Name


Internal Address Book Page


Register and define your available internal address book options.

Use the Internal Address Book page (EODI_CON) to register and define your available internal address book options.

Internal address books are derived from the Internal Address book page as defined within Desktop Integration. The address can be entered manually through the Internal Address Book page, or the underlying record can be updated by some other process.

Field or Control


Address Book Process ID

The ID is supplied as defined on the Address Book Registration page.

Internal address books are derived from the Internal Address book page as defined within Desktop Integration.

The address can be entered manually through the Internal Address Book page, or the underlying record can be updated by some other process.

Email Address

The email address of the contact.


Select to flag this email address or contact information for deletion.

Full Name

The full name of the person or contact.


The title of the person or contact.

First Name

The first name of the person or contact.

Middle Name

The middle name of the person or contact.

Last Name

The family or sir name of the person or contact.


The suffix for this person or contact.

Alt. Email (alternate email)

An alternate email address to the primary listed email address.

Alt. Email (alternate email)

An alternate email address to the secondary listed email address.


The company where this person or contact works.

Job Title

The title of the position that this person or contact holds at the company.

Work Phone

The work phone number of this person or contact.

Home Phone

The home phone number of this person or contact.

Mobile Phone

The mobile or cell phone number of this person or contact.


This date is automatically updated with each saved revision to this address in the address book. This same date appears at the top of the page as well.