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Reviewing LDAP Directory Data

This section discusses how to run a directory audit and a directory search.

Page Name

Definition Name


Directory Audit Page


Run the Directory Audit process.

Directory Search Page


Define search parameters to query the directory. The page saves the search parameters for future use.

Use the Directory Audit page (EO_RUNCTL_DS_AUDIT) to run the Directory Audit process.

Image: Directory Audit page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Directory Audit page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Directory Audit page

Use this page to run the process to ensure that your directory database has the same data as your PeopleSoft database.

The Directory Audit process compares the data in the directory to the data in the PeopleSoft database identified in the selected map and creates an LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) file containing any discrepancies using the PeopleSoft system as the authority. You can then use the LDIF file to update the directory.

Note: For PeopleSoft HCM customers only, an alternative process named DSMAPINPUT FullSync Audit is available that you can use in place of the Directory Audit process. This new process does not replace the Directory Audit process; it is provided as an alternative to audit the data if performance becomes an issue.

See PeopleSoft HCM: Application Fundamentals

Field or Control


Map Name

Select the name of the map that the audit should be run against.

Use the Directory Search page (EO_DSSRCHDIRECTORY) to define search parameters to query the directory.

The page saves the search parameters for future use.

Image: Directory Search page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Directory Search page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Directory Search page

Use this page to define search parameters to query the directory and view the results. Search results are displayed on the Search Results page as they appear in the directory.

Field or Control


Search Name

Enter the search name. The system saves the search parameters that you enter on this page and stores them under this name for future use.

Directory Search Parameters

Field or Control


Search Base

Select the directory entry that is the search base for this search. The search base is the entry in the directory information tree at which the search begins querying.

Search Scope

Select from:

Base: The query searches only the value in the Search Base field.

One: The query searches only the entries one level down from the value in the Search Base field.

Sub: The query searches the value in the Search Base field and all entries beneath it.

Build Filter

Use the fields in the Build Filter group box to create an attribute-specific filter. For example, if you want data on a single person, enter the attribute name Person, the operation =, and the person’s name in the Value field. You can construct multiple filters.

Field or Control


( )

Use parentheses to separate filter statements.

Attribute Name

Enter the name of the attribute data to which you want to filter.


Select an operator to determine how to filter the data.


Select a value to compare against when filtering.


Select from:

  • And: A search must meet the criteria of multiple statements.

  • END: This value marks the end of a query. This value applies parentheses appropriately.

  • NoOp: No operator is used.

  • OR: A search must meet the criteria of one of multiple statements.

Search Filter

You can narrow the search (for example, instruct the system to search for all attributes but one) by entering a search filter. Enter the search filter using standard LDAP protocol.

You can specify one or more attributes to search for. To search all attributes, enter an asterisk ( * ).

For more information about the LDAP protocol, see your directory documentation.

Search Attributes

Field or Control


Directory Attribute

Select the attributes to search for.

Leave this field blank to search all attributes.