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Defining Map Options

This section discusses how to define value map options.

Page Name

Definition Name


Value Map Options Page


Use this page to select default values for the options available on value map definitions.

Use the Value Map Options page (EOTF_MAP_OPTIONS) to use this page to select default values for the options available on value map definitions.

Image: Value Map Options page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Value Map Options page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Value Map Options page

Field or Control


Cache Minutes

The cache for map definitions and DVM data uses this value to determine the stale datetime. Once this time is exceeded, the cache is refreshed before use.

Concatenation Separator

Indicates the separator for concatenation when importing or exporting data. For V1 (Fusion Middleware FMW) schemas, if values are concatenated from multiple element domains into a single column during export or unconcatenated during an import of data then this separator value is used.

Import Options

These options are defaulted into the import component and any maps that are created. The import process uses the map specific options.

Field or Control


Import Mode

Allows a user to import a definition, alter the definition via the define value maps component, and subsequently import data only. This gives users the ability to rename elements, or perhaps specify multiple elements for a domain prior to importing data.

Valid values are:

  • Definition Only

    Allows users to move definitions from one environment to another without the data.

  • Definition and Data

    Imports both the definition and associated data.

  • Values Only

    Allows users to import data using the map definition in the database and not the definition in the file.

Error When Map Exists

Select this check box to prevent maps from being wiped out accidentally if a user tries to import a map with an existing name. The default value is selected.

Delete Map/Data Before Import

Select this check box to delete existing definition and data prior to import (default). If this check box is cleared, append/merge is used. Append/merge allows a user to add elements, domains or data to an existing map without deleting existing data.

Note: This option is for advanced users only as they must understand the implications.

Export Options

These options are defaulted into maps that are created. The export process uses map specific options.

Field or Control


Export Mode

Valid options are:

  • Definition Only

    Allows users to move definitions from one environment to another without the data.

    This is the default for XREF.

  • Definition and Data

    Exports both the definition and associated data.

    This is the default for DVM.

Export UniqueGUID to DVM.V1

Select to remove PeopleSoft required UniqueGUID domain from the DVM when moving maps to Fusion Middleware (FMW).