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Defining Installation Options

This section discusses how to define installation options.

Page Name

Definition Name


Data Transformation Installation Options Page


Define installation options.

Use the Data Transformation Installation Options page (EOEW_OPTIONS) to define installation options.

Image: Data Transformation Installation Options page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Data Transformation Installation Options page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Data Transformation Installation Options page

System administrators may use PeopleSoft Data Transformers' installation options to set certain high-level Data Transformer defaults such as the maximum number of rows to return on a preview of sourced or transformed data, a table space name to be used to dynamically build temporary tables, and the default message set number assignment for transformation error correction.

Field or Control


Maximum Rows to Preview

Enter the maximum number of rows of sourced or transformed data to preview.

Keep this value relatively low, for example 100 rows, as larger values significantly increase the amount of time it takes to retrieve data and render the preview pages.

Tablespace Name

Enter the tablespace name for the temporary table that is built dynamically at runtime. This tablespace name is applied to all of the temporary tables unless overridden at a lower level.

Note: This name can be overridden at the subject area and map option levels.

Create Temporary Table

Select to create temporary tables dynamically.

A temporary table is created at runtime—it's needed by the engine during processing only, then it's deleted at completion. It is not available in PeopleSoft metadata. If the check box is cleared, you must specify a temporary table record name on the map for use at runtime. This temporary table will be available in PeopleSoft metadata and remain after the engine processing.

Note: Determining which of these options to use needs to be considered carefully. A dynamic temporary table will automatically change when the map changes, conversely, a non-dynamic temporary table will not change and may require more maintenance.

Message Set Number

Select a message set number that corresponds to a text error message set. When adding a new transformation and associating a specific error message with an error, this default message set number is used as a starting point.