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Handling Data Transformation Process Errors

This section provides an overview of data transformation process errors and discusses how to view and correct data transformer process errors.

Page Name

Definition Name


Error Correction Page


View and correct data transformation process errors.

After you run the data transformation process for a map with the Correct data error & reprocess option selected, use the Error Correction page to check for any errors that were logged during runtime. You can correct these errors online and rerun the data transformation process with the Include Errors option selected.

The Error Correction page sources its information from a PeopleSoft table specified on the Map Field Detail page. When the data transformation process runs and finds an error (such as a look-up or edit on an entry not found), it writes an entry into this error table.

The error table comprises:


  • Error message fields from the EOEW_ERRMSG_SBR subrecord (EOEW_ERR_MSG01..EOEW_ERR_MSG10).

  • All the fields being sourced from the Source Data Object.

Whenever an error is encountered for a look-up or edit transformation, the data transformation process stores the associated error message set number and message number in the error fields (EOEW_ERRMSG_XX) that are found in the error table so that the user can then troubleshoot the rows with errors.

By default, PeopleSoft allocates 10 error messages on the EOEW_ERRMSG_SBR subrecord (each error message field includes the message set number and message number), but users can delete or add more error message fields on the subrecord, as needed.

If more errors are encountered during the data transformation process run than are allocated on the error table, those errors that are encountered after the limit was reached are not written to the error table. Every error record must include one or more EOEW_ERRMSG_XX fields. The errors that are encountered during the data transformation process appear on the Error Correction page. The Error Correction page displays error messages that are associated with each specific row of data that is found to be in error by the data transformation process.

For more information, refer the product documentation for PeopleTools: PeopleCode Language Reference.

Use the Error Correction page (EOEW_CORRECTION) to view and correct data transformation process errors.

After you use this page to correct all errors, rerun the map.

Field or Control



Select for the row that you want to correct. The Field list appears at the top of the page with the associated error message for that row.


Select to remove the current row. This will physically delete the error row from the error table.

Delete All Rows

Select to remove all current rows. This will physically delete all error rows from the error table.


Select the field you want to edit. Enter the new, corrected value for the field.


Click to save the correction to the field.