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Setting Up Translation Sets

This section discusses how to set up translation sets.

Page Name

Definition Name


Translation Sets Page


Enter translation set values for map definition details.

Use the Translation Sets page (EOEW_CODE_TBL) to enter translation set values for map definition details.

Image: Translation Sets page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Translation Sets page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Translation Sets page

Field or Control


Subject Area

Select a subject area.

For new translation sets, the subject area will be set to the default as defined on the Subject Area page.

Undefined Value Options

Select how to handle undefined values:

  • Default for undefined values: Rows that contain undefined source values have the defined default value inserted into the target field and then loaded in the target.

  • Do not load undefined values: Rows that contain undefined source values have spaces inserted into the target field and then loaded in the target table.

  • Retain undefined data values: Rows that contain undefined source values are retained and loaded in the target.

Translation Set Values

Enter the from and to values for each value that you want translated. If needed, enter the rationale for your selections in the More Information field.