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Using the PeopleSoft Worklist to View Notification Messages

Worklists are prioritized lists of the work items that a person (or group of people) has to do. A worklist is a standard PeopleTools grid. Therefore, the user can use grid personalization features to order and sort columns. When work is routed to a PeopleSoft user, it is put in the user’s worklist. To work on an item, the user selects it from the worklist and is presented with the appropriate page to begin work. Users accessing worklists through a browser see worklist entries prioritized in a predefined order (set on a properties page). For example, worklists for accounts receivable clerks can be sorted by days overdue, amount overdue, or credit class.

Page Name

Definition Name


Worklist Page


View, assign priority to, reassign, and process worklist items.

For more information, refer the product documentation PeopleTools: Workflow Technology.

Use the Worklist page (WORKLIST) to view, assign priority to, reassign, and process worklist items.

Image: Worklist

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Worklist. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.


Field or Control


Work List Filters

Select Error and Warning Notification in this field to view just your notification messages.


Displays the individual who triggered the work item.

Date From

Displays the date when the work item was triggered.


Click to access the Message Detail page of the Notification Dashboard.

Mark Worked

Click this button to mark an item as worked if you have performed the necessary actions.